Makerspace Policy

  1.  The Library Use and Behavior Expectation Policy applies to all those inside the Makerspace.
  2. All patrons must sign the Birchard Public Library Makerspace User Agreement to use any equipment in the Makerspace.
  3. The Makerspace is available to anyone 13 years or older with a Birchard library card in good standing. Users 13-17 must have a parent or legal guardian sign the agreement form on their behalf before using the Makerspace.
  4. Minors must sign Birchard Library’s Internet Access Policy to use the Makerspace.
  5. Reservations are held for 15 minutes, after 15 minutes patrons must reschedule.
  6. For independent use of equipment in the Makerspace patrons must demonstrate adequate skills to a Birchard staff member in a training session.
  7. Printer project costs are rounded up to the closest approximate standard measurement. An estimate will be provided upon design approval.
  8. Birchard does not accept responsibility if a patron’s personal property or project is destroyed, does not print correctly, or does not work.
  9. The patron agrees that if any tool or piece of equipment becomes unsafe or in a state of disrepair, they will immediately discontinue use and notify Birchard staff.
  10. Patrons must report any accident/incident that occurs in the Makerspace to a staff member immediately.
  11. The patron(s) using the Makerspace shall be financially responsible for any damage to Birchard Public Library property, buildings, furnishings, and/or equipment, and assume responsibility for all loss, damage, or injury arising from misuse of the Makerspace.
  12. Patrons should use the Makerspace in a courteous, reasonable, and responsible manner.
  13. Patrons may not use the equipment for projects that are inappropriate in a public setting or that create a disturbance. Birchard reserves the right to halt, delete, or disallow the creation of items that violate library policy, including the creation of weapons and illegal items.
  14. Patrons will follow all applicable intellectual property laws, including all copyright laws. Patrons are responsible for obtaining their own protections for any intellectual property developed in the Makerspace.
  15. Birchard will make materials available for purchase. Patrons are encouraged to bring approved materials for their own use. A materials list is available upon request and online. Birchard staff may approve materials not listed.
  16. Three patrons are limited in the Makerspace at a time.


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