Intelribrary Loan

Need an item that is not listed in our online catalog?

Books, copies of articles, music, movies, and microfilm can be requested through Interlibrary Loan. Interlibrary loans are available at the main library and all branches.

Searching for your items can take several weeks in some cases. The item is sent to the library and checked out to you. Some libraries request that your materials be used in the library only.

We do not charge for this service, but lenders might charge us and we have to pass those costs on to you. We will make every attempt to obtain the item free of charge. You are also responsible for late fees and replacement costs of damaged materials.

Items are subject to our own circulation policies unless otherwise noted. Renewals are allowed in some cases, so ask or call 419-334-7101 ext 1172 about renewals.

You will be notified by phone when a request is in. You will be notified by mail if the item is unavailable. For questions on interlibrary loan, the status of a request or questions about renewal, call 419-334-7101 ext. 202 between 9:00-5:00 Monday-Friday, or by emailing

If your library account is in good standing (fines less than $10.00) with a current address and phone number, you can make inter-library loan requests.


Inter-Library Loan Request Form

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