Library Foundation

The Birchard Library Association Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, provides support for the activities and services of the Birchard Public Library system through a main library in Fremont and branch libraries in Gibsonburg, Green Springs, and Woodville. All gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible.

Gifts may be made in cash or property, real or personal. Gifts may also be conferred by will, trust, or endowment. Please consult with your attorney or financial advisor about possible methods of giving. Checks should be written to the Birchard Library Association Foundation, not Birchard Public Library.

Although unrestricted gifts benefit the Library the most, donors may designate how and where they'd like their Foundation gift to be used. Foundation Board members will consider donor preferences, balancing them with the needs of the Library

For more information about this or other methods of donating to the Library, please contact Library Director, Beth Leibengood:

Birchard Public Library
423 Croghan St.
Fremont, OH 43420
Phone: (419) 334-7101, Ext. 1202
Contact by email form.

For a form to use to make a donation, please use the PDF from below.

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Foundation Form 7.68 KB

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